In Japanese in this context, Koji 固持 means 'Persistence' or Strong-will and Do 道 literally means 'Way' / Method. Therefore, Kojido means: ‘The Way of Persistence’.
'Kojido' is predominantly a follower of "Koryu" with some minor influences from "Gendai Budo" (modern martial ways).
Koryu literally translates as "old school" or "traditional school". Koryu is also a general term for Japanese schools of martial arts that predate the Meiji Restoration in 1868. The term is contrasted with Gendai Budo "modern martial way" (or Shinbudo "new martial way"), which refer to schools developed after the Meiji Restoration.
The system of Koryu is considered in following priority order:
1) Combat / Skill / Science;
2) Discipline;
3) Morals.
Based on the Koryu principles, Kojido Sogo Bujutsu training consists of:
- Technical / strategically training;
- Mental training
- Physical conditioning;
- Academic / Scientific Education & Research.
Kojido is not a competative martial sport and its memebers do not particiapte in any tournoments. Kojido focuses on the actual Martial Skill / Art (Bujutsu). KOJI-DO SOGO BUJUTSU HEIHO ( 固持道総合武術兵法) Kojido Martial Art Strategies consists of:
1 - Kojido Todi Jutsu ( 固持道唐手術);
2 - Kojido Kobujutsu Aiki-Jujutsu ( 固持道古武術合気柔術 )
Rooted back to 15th century, our organization was established in 1997 and Kojido was formally introduced to public in 2004.